Super cheap build.

So I might get flamed out for this. But always wanted an ar10/ .308 build but I’m incredibly cheap (I’m aware those two don’t go together) However I decided to try and build the absolute cheapest build I could. So here it is. Ar-stoner (labeled as a bear creek arsenal) side charging upper in .308 with a 20” barrel. Bought on clearance for $219 PSA complete blem ar-10 lower on clearance for $119.00 Monstrum g3 6-24x50 ffp scope refurbished for $110.00 Feyachi b13 bipod for $14.50 during prime days. Magpul 10rd x2 @ $19.00 For a total of $500.50

Is it the nicest. God no. Is it decent. For the price. Yeah.

Sighted it In today at a 25yard indoor range built for midgets (I’m 6’3”) so I wasn’t in the best shooting position. But the monstrum scope was reasonably close out of the box. But the groupings were consistent, like an idiot first time poster to this sub I forget to take target pictures. But I told myself if I can get hand sized groupings at 500yards I’ll be content. So once I get out to a range with some distance (waiting for weather to be a lil cooler due to elderly father coming with) I will update. So feel free to flame. Also taking recommendations for a brake or compensator.

So I might get flamed out for this. But always wanted an ar10/ .308 build but I’m incredibly cheap (I’m aware those two don’t go together) However I decided to try and build the absolute cheapest build I could. So here it is. Ar-stoner (labeled as a bear creek arsenal) side charging upper in .308 with a 20” barrel. Bought on clearance for $219 PSA complete blem ar-10 lower on clearance for $119.00 Monstrum g3 6-24x50 ffp scope refurbished for $110.00 Feyachi b13 bipod for $14.50 during prime days. Magpul 10rd x2 @ $19.00 For a total of $500.50

Is it the nicest. God no. Is it decent. For the price. Yeah.

Sighted it In today at a 25yard indoor range built for midgets (I’m 6’3”) so I wasn’t in the best shooting position. But the monstrum scope was reasonably close out of the box. But the groupings were consistent, like an idiot first time poster to this sub I forget to take target pictures. But I told myself if I can get hand sized groupings at 500yards I’ll be content. So once I get out to a range with some distance (waiting for weather to be a lil cooler due to elderly father coming with) I will update. So feel free to flame. Also taking recommendations for a brake or compensator.